What happened to January and February?
Well, January started out with a big mess. Day after day the front yard and most of the block would be littered with fallen leaves from the larger Liquidambar tree.
On New Years’ Day granddaughters 1 and 2 spent some time raking the front lawn for us. They filled two trash cans which we then emptied into the compost bins.

After that I was on my own, so every few days I would rake the leaves from the lawn and the street into the gutter, then bag them up.

The compost bins couldn’t handle them fast enough and now the bags are piled by the side of the house waiting until they are needed.
January also meant the start of orange season. We have two trees: a Washington Navel and a Valencia. The Washington Navel is ready first and is supposed to be for eating but I use most of the crop for juice because I don’t want to wait for the Valencia which isn’t ripe for another month or so.

We always have way more than we can use but every year I vow to try. This year has been a real challenge because most of the WN oranges are too high for me to reach without a ladder. I think I need to get Mr. B out there to pick what he can reach and, when the danger of frost is over, we should prune the tree quite a bit lower.

Later in January Safeway had a good price on Foster Farms whole chickens so I decided to make Chicken and Noodles. Daughter’s family was coming for dinner so I prepared the noodle dough and the granddaughters helped me roll it out and cut it.

I learned to love Chicken and Noodles from my Midwestern husband. Mr. B’s mother, grandmother and aunts all made it for family get-togethers. Each one had a slightly different take on it. The only recipe I have is from his Aunt Georgia and I had to stand next to her and try to estimate the amounts of flour etc. she was using for the noodles because nobody used a written recipe. I was never any good at rolling out such stiff dough so I long ago bought this Italian pasta machine and it rolls out the dough as thin as I want it. Unfortunately, the noodles just don’t have the same texture as the old family recipe. But they are still good served over mashed potatoes on a cold winter’s day.

Mr. B is coming along well with his recovery. Every day he spends some time walking up and down the block using the rolling walker lent to him by our neighbor. Then he rides the exercise bicycle we bought over 30 years ago. Every time we moved there was much discussion about whether to get rid of it since we hardly ever used it. Sure glad we still have it!

In February the almond tree bloomed, for all the good it will do us. We planted it almost 20 years ago and we have yet to get any almonds. They all get harvested by the doggoned squirrels before we realize it.

Every year we try another squirrel deterrent but so far nothing has worked. One year it was human hair from the beauty shop, another year it was moth balls (which are surprisingly hard to find these days). I suggested trapping and releasing him out in the country but Mr. B thinks it would be cruel to separate Mr. Squirrel from his family. What are you gonna do?