Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Dungeness Crab Season in Full Swing

The season opened about a month ago and the first week I bought one for Mr. B.  He really loves those crabs and will spend a good hour cleaning the meat out of each claw and all the other nooks and crannies.  I usually don't buy one for myself because thy are expensive and way too much work.  But today my local market had them for $3.99 a pound so I broke down and bought two.

This is all that is left of those two lovely crabs.  Definitely worth the work but I probably won't be eating any more this season.

Sunday, January 12, 2014

Kaepernick Capsizes Carolina!

Final score:  23-10
Mr. B is a happy man.

Photo is from Twitter but I didn't make a note of who posted it so cannot attribute.

Wednesday, January 1, 2014