Thursday, August 27, 2020

A Walk in the Park

Last Saturday afternoon we decided to brave the heat and smoke to drive to a small park a few miles from our house.  The temperature was in the upper 90s but we thought we needed to get out of the house.  As we had hoped there were no other people there and we were able to manage about 15 minutes before we wilted.  Rusty was so happy, he stopped every few feet to smell and mark. 

This may be why there was no one else around:

But, on the plus side, there was this. 
Some of the cans looked a bit elderly but the intention is a good one.

Since the weekend our temperatures have been moving back towards normal.  Late yesterday afternoon I even thought about wearing a sweater when I went out to pull an onion for dinner.  Nighttime temperatures are back in the low to mid-fifties, which is our normal.  We still have hazy skies and the occasional smell of smoke, probably from the Monterey County fires, but could be from the Santa Cruz or the Santa Clara fires.  I can’t remember that we have ever been surrounded this way.

Saturday, August 15, 2020

Second Hottest Day of the Year

 Maybe the century.  Yesterday we topped out at 113° and today 109°.  Our county tweeted a warning that this heatwave is expected to last until Friday 8/21.  We are hunkered down indoors, with all the windows closed. No TV since Thursday because our big screen plasma just pours out the heat.  Nice in the winter but deadly right now.  We sat on the patio after dinner last evening and watched the Giants' game on my iPad.

                           Even Rusty is too hot to perform his usual guard dog duties.