This is the house the Husband was born in. He knew he was born in a house not a hospital but never thought about which house. So this time we checked his birth certificate and located the actual place. He didn't remember this house, so they must have moved when he was very young.

One of the special treats we look forward to in Iowa is the
Pork Tenderloin Sandwich. It's not something you can find in California so every time we go to the midwest we have one as soon as we see it on a menu. This time we didn't even make it to Centerville. We were heading south on Interstate 35 and stopped at the Hitching Post Grill in a little town called Bevington. Tenderloin was on the menu and we both ordered it. Yum, yum. It's always served with french fries and carries a boatload of calories, but it's definitely worth it!

Two of the Husband's cousins met us in Centerville and we spent a happy day visiting places they'd lived, schools they'd attended and, since at least two of us are into genealogy, quite a few cemeteries. This grave is for an Aunt and Uncle and is at the Seymour Cemetery.
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