Granddaughter EAS spent Friday night at our house and this morning Gpa took her to see "Beverly Hill Chihuahua" which was a big hit with both of them. Then we all drove out to Bolado Park for the San Benito County Fair. After a quick hot dog for lunch we headed straight for the barn section so that EAS could get her animal fix. She saw the horses, the cavies (which you and I would call Guinea Pigs), the cows and sheep and finally the rabbits and fowl.
I sat outside the Rabbit/Poultry building with Leo since we didn't think the bunnies and chicks would take kindly to a rat terrier in their midst.
I think EAS was most impressed with the turkeys. I'm not sure she had ever seen one except on the table at Thanksgiving.
After we did the barn area, we headed for the commercial building where there are always lots of free things. The children always love this part of the fair - all the pencils, fans, candy and little doodads they could want, even bags to carry everything in.
This is where we ran into cousin David who was manning the Pinnacles National Monument exhibit while the ranger was taking a break. Doesn't he look distinguished with his new beard?
EAS and I visited the Quilt exhibit but, while there were many nice quilts, there was nothing really exciting. I couldn't even choose a favorite. Maybe I was spoiled by last week's show in Morgan Hill but this one was very disappointing. It's not that the quilts were bad, just not inspiring.
We had some rain during the night and lots of clouds most of the day but we managed to avoid any rain while we were at the Fair. There was plenty of mud though. Usually it's all dust, so this made a nice change.
I finished my green eyelet socks this morning and started on a pair of self-striping socks this evening. I'm using a very easy pattern, so these should go pretty quickly.
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