So coming home I set the GPS but, when it looked as if she were taking me the long way around, I turned before she wanted me to. Then a stoplight turned red pretty quickly and the GPS landed on the passenger side floor. There was no way I could reach her without stopping the car, getting out and walking around to that side. At this point I knew my way home, so I just left her on the floor. All I heard after that was "Recalculating," from time to time. We've used her successfully several times but this was my first attempt with no one else in the car.
This orange quilt was created as a challenge to someone who thought that no orange quilt could be beautiful. I think the quilter was successful. The big surprise was the reverse of this quilt:
These Santa Cruz quilters are always so imaginative. I never fail to be inspired by their creations.
This year, however, there were way too many "One block wonders" for my taste. It's not that I don't like one-block quilts but most of these just seemed to be a blur. Maybe there is something I'm missing; it might have helped to have another quilter's comments
The rest of the photos I took at the show can be found here on my Flickr page.