This week the "long-awaited" Highway 25 bypass through Hollister was finally opened to traffic. Residents had been dealing with the traffic messes caused by this construction for almost two years - or has it been longer? Seems like it. This is an entirely new road, so these views have never been seen before.

Unfortunately, the current speed limit on this beautifully paved, wide, 4-lane road is an unbelievable 35 mph! We can only hope that this is temporary because it's really hard to keep your speed down. Maybe 10 years from now when businesses have been built here, but not now.

I really feel sorry for the folks who live in the housing behind this wall. Their backyards are now not only small but are hemmed in by this giant wall on the west side. Forget about sunsets in this neighborhood.

We're leaving in a few days for a mid-winter break in Cambria. The weatherman is predicting lots of rain but, this year especially, I can't complain. We'll work around it.
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