Last spring I planted seeds for this Jelly Bean grape tomato. They took their time germinating and, by the time they were tall enough to plant in the garden, summer was almost over and we were about to leave for two weeks. I planted one seedling in the raised bed between the two Italian tomatoes and left the other in its pot. When the weather started to get cold, I moved it into the greenhouse but wasn't very faithful about watering it. I noticed the two blossoms last month but, even then, I didn't manage to water it regularly. Today, just a few days after the shortest day of the year, I found these robust fruits in an almost dry pot. I immediately gave it some water and am hoping they will ripen. There are very few leaves on the plant and the fruit are on a foot-long stem, so I don't think I will get any more. But it does give me hope for growing tomatoes in the winter even though the greenhouse is unheated.
Also, this reminds me that in a few weeks it will be time to plant tomato seeds for the 2009 season. I will definitely plant this variety again!
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