Saturday, March 1, 2008

Back Home Again

for a few days....

KAS and her Daddy came down for dinner and the evening while her Mom and sister were visiting Great-Grandma in the city. We had a good game of Scrabble. P won by quite a bit and KAS and I were pretty close. I guess that makes me as smart as a 4th grader.

This is Spring Shawl Surprice at the end of Clue 3. I can definitely see mistakes when it's stretched like this, but from a galloping horse? Definitely not. So I am not ripping. Anytime I wear it, it will almost certainly be somewhat scrunched up, so no one will ever know and I'm not telling (except here).

I have been trying to figure out why the mistakes get made so that I can avoid it in the future. I am being very careful about counting stitches and I do think it's helping. When this is finished I'm going to start on working the patterns in Victorian Lace Today. Lace knitting is addictive!

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