neighbor brought us a box of their Blenheim apricots so a pie had to be made. The recipe I used called for Minute tapioca, a cup of sugar and a bit of cinnamon and nutmeg. The crust is a plain one but made with lard instead of shortening. We switched because of the trans fat issue but now that I read the lard label, it also has hydrogenated fat in it. DH doesn't like crust made with butter and neither of us likes the taste of the reformulated shortening, so I'm not sure what to do at this point. Maybe I should just use whatever, figuring that we don't eat pies very often, so it shouldn't make much of a difference.

The box of apricots was still not empty, so I made this apricot salsa to put on the grilled chicken. It also has red sweet pepper, a hot pepper (Fresno from Mom's salsa garden), cilantro and lime juice. I also put in a little chopped red onion that I found in the fridge. I like the crunch it added.

These are the blocks I made for the
Burger Queen Mystery quilt. The blue is my background fabric and the flowered is my focus fabric. I originally misunderstood the directions and made the block on the right side. I really didn't like it much so, when I found out my error, I did the one on the left. I liked it a lot better and I now have 5 twelve inch blocks and 5 nine inch blocks and am waiting for the next clue. I may use the other blocks on the back of the quilt. Or maybe in a scrap quilt.
I'm also working on a scrappy mystery quilt called
Orange Crush. This one is now over, so I have all the clues printed out, although I am still working on Clue 1. That one involves making 150 4-patches and I'm doing those as "leaders and enders" while sewing other things. So Orange Crush may take a while.