Friday, July 18, 2008


SIL called yesterday to say that PG&E is cutting off power to their neighborhood from 8am to 5pm today. So of course we said they were welcome to stay here all day. For years one or the other parent would bring one or both children here every Friday for "Papa Day." But now that the girls are getting older and have more activities, there is still a "Papa Day" every week but not always on Friday. I have to go for a perm this afternoon and Gpa may take the girls to see Kit Kitteridge while their Daddy enjoys the peace and quiet.

Later: Kit Kitteridge is off the agenda because it is no longer playing at our local theater. Daddy and Gpa ended up spending the afternoon cutting down a small tree that was growing too close to the back garden wall and the girls helped. EAS is spending the night and she and Gpa are planning to see "Space Chimps" tomorrow morning.

EAS and I picked a bunch of swiss chard for dinner. I fixed it with garlic and served it over polenta. It was so much better than what we've been buying at the market.

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